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Rotarod Test Rats and Mice
MODEL : 755
MAKER : IITC Life Science Inc
원산지 : USA

Product Specifications

The IITC Rotarod Test is used to assess the effect of drugs on the motor coordination or fatigue resistance on mice and rats using one unit in a safe and humane way. The animals are placed on textured drums to avoid slipping. When an animal drops onto the individual sensing platforms below, test results are recorded digitally and displayed on the front panel.

IITC’s Rotarod Test has the capabilities of having up to five mice or rats tested at a time standard.

The user can select from one to five lanes to be included in an experiment. For mice experiments 1¼ inch diameter drums are supplied and for rat experiments 3¾ inch diameter drums are supplied. All that is needed is a standard phillips screwdriver to change the drums, no other tool required.

The LED display shows all test results for each animal position; they are: Stopping RPM, length of test and distance traveled.

View Product Sheet

No adjustments required on sensing platforms
Digitally controlled
Five (5) lanes standard
Adjustable test length
Adjustable start speed
Adjustable top end speed
Adjustable ramp speed
Forward and reverse rotation mode
Distance recorded in Meters
Footswitch - RS232 - Printer output (standard)
Software - USB - Printer (optional)
Thermal printer (optional)

Animals drop is sensed by accurate magnetic switches that never need adjusting versus other units on the market today which use photoelectric sensing. Vertically sliding acrylic front panels prevent escape of animals.

Literature Reference: Jones & Roberts, F. Pharm., Pharmacol., 1968, 20, 302

The electronic gear is built into the base of the unit. All parameters are digitally controlled and entered via the keypad on the front panel. Start, stop and reset buttons are also on the front of the unit. An LED display allows the user to view all parameters and test results.

Key features of the IITC Rotarod are the following:

Adjustable test length: 1 to 999 seconds.
Adjustable start speed: 0 to 45 RPM’s.
Adjustable top end speed: 45 RPM’s.
Adjustable ramp speed: 0 to 999 seconds.
Forward, reverse mode
Distance recorded in Meters

Two year warranty

Part #



Rotarod Treadmill for mice and rats

Series 8


도우손트레이딩 | 전남 광양시 광양읍 서천1길 22-15 | TEL) 061)763-2013
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