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Home > 전체보기 > 연구 시약 / 장비 / 소모품 > 218997 -100-Tube Box (2ML / 10ML)
218997 -100-Tube Box (2ML / 10ML)
MODEL : 218997 -Tube
원산지 : U.S.
218997 -Tube 100ea/Box (2ML / 10ML) MAKER : STRECK

Product Specifications

Cell-Free DNA BCT®

218997 -Tube 100ea/Box (2ML / 10ML) MAKER : STRECK

Blood Collection Tube

Now available in two sizes: 10 mL and 2 mL

Cell-Free DNA BCT is a blood collection tube with a formaldehyde-free preservative stabilizing nucleated blood cells. This unique stabilization prevents the release of genomic DNA, allowing isolation of high-quality cell-free DNA which can be further used for a wide range of downstream applications in clinical research studies, drug discovery and diagnostic assay development. It has also been demonstrated to minimize the degradation of CTCs.

Cell-Free DNA BCT reduces the need for immediate plasma preparation and CTC processing due to its unique stabilization properties. Cell-Free DNA is stable for up to 14 days, while circulating tumor cells are stable for up to 7 days, at room temperature, allowing convenient sample collection, transport and storage.

Cell-Free DNA BCT is for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures in the U.S.

A CE version of these tubes is also available.
Cell-Free DNA BCT CE is for Export Only. Not for sale in the U.S.

도우손트레이딩 | 전남 광양시 광양읍 서천1길 22-15 | TEL) 061)763-2013
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