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Home > 전체보기 > 기계 / 장비 > Handheld Conductivity Meter
Handheld Conductivity Meter
원산지 : UK
Conductivity Measurement of Oils

Product Specifications

Part No: 99708-0


The Seta D2 Hand Held Conductivity Meter (D2 JF-1A-HH model) meets the requirements of ASTM D2624.

It provides an accurate and rapid conductivity measurement of distillate fuels;

and is specifically designed for testing low conductivity fluids such as aviation kerosene

The analyser can measure fuel electrical conductivities between 0 and 2000 picosiemens/meter (pS/M),

although it is optimised and normally used in the 0 to 500 pS/M range.

The conductivity analyser is constructed of thermally stable internal electronics and two 316 SS

coaxial electrode sensors which are suitable for use from 0 to 35°C. 

Calibration and VerificationCalibration and Verification is quickly and easily performed using a specific tool

which fits into the instrument – Click here for more information. Click here to learn more about Constant "Known" Conductivity Fuel Systems

The JF-1A-HH Conductivity Meter incorporates innovative electronics

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques to accurately determine the electrical conductivity of fuel products.

Conductivity is highly affected by temperature change and reporting

temperature with correction is a key requirement of making measurements in accordance with ASTM D2624.

The JF-1A-HH Conductivity Meter allows users to measure samples in any container, such as a bucket,

or glass jar offering an accurate, portable solution to measuring fuels in tanks, in the field or in the laboratory.

The instrument allows real time sample averaging with trend indicator and the user is provided

with a visual reading that the sample has settled to a stable value for improved accuracy of testing.

The analyser has integral temperature measurement and compensation which is stored with readings.

An easy to use menu system allows up to 8 samples to be internally stored along with sample temperature,

date and time information. This data can be held in internal non volatile memory for either readout on the display

or transfer to a personal computer by the built in USB data link. The analyser is supplied with software that graphs conductivity and temperature with time/date.

The unit is provided in an industry standard ATEX approved polyamide housing, with built in Lithium Ion rechargeable battery system

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