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[JOLA]SSP... floating switches
원산지 : DE
[JOLA]SSP... floating switches

Product Specifications

[JOLA]SSP... floating switches

These floating switches are designed for mounting from the side or from the top. To ensure a correct switching the cable must be fixed at the required height using a stuffing gland, for example, in the case of mounting from the side or using a fixing weight, for example, in case of mounting from the top. These units are not suitable for use in turbulent liquids (e.g. in stirrer tanks). Please note the following: The floating switch SSP 1/K/... or SSP/S1/K/... is equipped with a gold-plated crosspoint contact. One of the characteristic properties of gold-plated contacts is that they can reliably switch the smallest voltages and smallest currents, even after extremely long standstill times. These gold-plated contacts have the following unfavourable properties: • The gold layer may become burnt off even after just one-off overload. If this happens, the contact loses its ability to reliably switch the smallest voltages and smallest currents. • Extremely frequent switching actions can also impair or destroy the gold layer, leading to the same effects as outlined above. If you need to choose between an SSP 1/K/... or SSP/S1/K/... with gold-plated contact and an SSP 3/K/... or SSP/S3/K/... with AgNi contact for an AC/DC 24 V application, your choice should be based on the following criteria: • Floating switch is seldom in operation but should continue to work reliably even after years: SSP 1/K/... or SSP/S1/K/... . • Floating switch is frequently in operation, is permanently in action: SSP 3/K/... or SSP/S3/K/... 

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